Earth Balance Brings the Cheese Puffy Goodness

Here’s something that you may not know about the Macaroon clan (well, mother and daughter). They have an obsession with cheese puffs. Those crunchy little snacks with burst of cheddar-like flavor make them go ga-ga. While Momma Mac has so many options available to her and enjoys them greatly, Macaroon has only been able to partake of Pirate’s Tings Original Crunchy Sticks, which are good in their own right. However, it’s the cheese puffs that have been missing!! Well, no longer does she have to wait for them to be veganized

Last week, on its Made Just Right website, Earth Balance announced its new snacks category for 4 new products:

Vegan Buttery Flavor Popcorn
Vegan Aged White Cheddar Cheese Flavor Popcorn
Vegan Aged White Cheddar Cheese Flavor Puffs
P.B Popps

We’ve hit the vegan snack motherload, friends!

On our next trip to Whole Foods, we immediately went to the snack aisle, but no Earth Balance snacks in sight. We asked one of the staff members if they knew when it would be available. He said that since it was a new product, and they already did their monthly changeover, the store wouldn’t probably stock until the end of January or early February. Dejected as we were, we knew we’d just have to wait.

Then, yesterday, while doing some grocery shopping, Macaroon eeked in delight seeing the Vegan Aged White Cheddar Puffs! There are about 3 bags left, and Mac was nice enough to only take 1. Why deprive fellow vegans in the Bronx/Westchester area of what was sure to be a delicious treat.

Mac even held off from tasting last night too. Well, held off for a day. With our roasted veggie pizzas and salads, she decided that the puffs would be a nice side for tonight’s dinner. Oh man! Not only were the puffs cheesy in taste but they were the perfect-size of puff! Big, curly, filling yet delightfully airy. Now, Mac could have eaten the entire bag herself but kept some restraint…enough to pack some for tomorrow’s lunch.

And now she’s counting the hours…until lunchtime…and another countdown to try the rest of new snack line.


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